Ⅰ 染織品
I. Dyed Textiles
A majority of the Silk Museum's collection comprises dyed textiles made using silk. These include kosode narrow-cuffed kimono from the Edo Period (1600–1868), which we have collected since our founding, and which are now highly valuable as they have become very difficult to find. Our collection also includes outstanding dyed textile works made by various artists including a dyer who is officially designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property, decorative objects and craft products from the Meiji through early Showa Periods (late 19th and early 20th centuries), native dress from around the world, and various other dyed silk pieces.

②重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝)染織作品 (2) Dyed Textiles by an Artisan (Living National Treasure) Certified as an Important Intangible Cultural Property

染織工芸品 (3) Various Artisanal Dyed